Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2019 № 5 Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.75.52.018
UDC: 67.155.9
BBC: 88.26
N. O. Leonenko ORCID
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor of department pedagogy and psychology of extrem situations in Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia
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E. Yu. Dmitrieva ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate professor of department pedagogy and psychology of extreme situations in Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Ser-vice of Emercom of Russia
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Ye. I. Ostasheva ORCID
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor of department pedagogy and psychology of extreme situations in Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
A. S. Davidenko ORCID
Adjunct of the Faculty of Higher Skills Training in Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia
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Introduction. The presented article is devoted to the justification of the training of psychological vitality as an effective means of psychological training for cadets in Saint-Peterburg University of the State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia to conduct combat operations on fire fighting and carrying out rescue operations in their future professional activity. The authors determine the relevance of the topic by the existing gap between the requirements of professional activity imposed on the

person and the absence in educational programs of training specialists in the field of fire safety of reasonable practices of formation of the required competences.

Psychological vitality is considered by the authors as a key ability of the personality, ensuring in extreme conditions of activity the level of efficiency and mental functioning, optimal for making decisions, full realization of knowledge and experience.

Materials and methods. The main methods of research are: analysis of scientific literature on problems of psychology and psychophysiology of activity in extreme conditions, as well as normative and statistical documents; Operationalization of the concept of psychological vitality through empirical characteristics and the corresponding methodical complex; modeling of training.

Results. The training is justified as an effective means of psychological preparation of cadets for solving combat tasks in the extreme conditions of professional activity. Viability is operationalized, methodological tools for its research are proposed. A conceptual model of training is presented, goals, methods, and techniques are described.

Discussion. Initial basis of development of training of psychology vitality for students is the educed disparity between requirementsto desc- riptions of personality and facilities of their forming in the main and additional educational programs of preparation  of specialists in area of fire safety. Despite the rather high level of subject training in the field of extreme psychology, in educational conditions, close and preceding real combat actions, cadets experience the strongest stress, which does not allow to use the acquired knowledge.

The training is an effective means of filling the revealed gap between professional requirements and educational program by creating conditions for expanding understanding of their interaction with the world at the cognitive level, reflexive work on search of meaning and life values, activity development of resilient practices.

It is expected that learned meanings, knowledge, practices will be interiorized in the form of vitality attitudes, which in turn will be ex-


teriorized as actions to preserve physical, mental and social health in various, including extreme conditions. The effectiveness of the training is ensured by compliance of its content and forms of implementation with the general scientific and actual psychological principles and provisions.

Conclusion. Drawn conclusion that the use of training in an educational process will assist forming and development of psychological readiness of personality of students to the decision of urgent tasks in extreme terms due to developing a system flair to the mature and difficult forms of self-regulation on the levels of existential options,  psychological and psychofisiological functioning of personality,  providing the proof controlling, capacity for an adequate acceptance and realization of decisions on the basis of present knowledge and experience.


self-regulation, psychological vitality, training of vitality, extreme situation, stress-hardiness, existential options, educational program, professional preparation, cadets


Contradiction is fixed between the requirements produced to personality of specialist in area of fire safety and by maintenance  of psychological preparation on the stage of educating of students in institution of higher learning;

Are psychological options and skills, providing the individual system capacity of personality for the difficult and mature forms of self-regulation in the extreme terms of activity certain through the concept of psychological vitality;

It is pshychologic vitality of operationalization in terms of empiric descriptions of level and quality of self-regulation on semantic, cognitive, emotional, neuropsychic levels of functioning of personality of students;

The model of training of psychological vitality as facilities of psychological preparation of students is reasonable and worked out to the conduct of the battle operating under extinguishing of fires and realization wrecking.


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